Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Work It Sister...15 Minutes to Get You in Shape for Swimsuits

Spring has crept upon us and it's almost beach time...or pool time for us here in WP. I only realized this because I got a heads up from one of my desingers that my swimwear lines were getting ready to ship. That's how fast this year has gone by already!

Getting in shape is something we always want to do but it's the first thing we put off on our list of priorities. When it's been a long day at work the last thing you want to do is put on those running shoes and bolt out the front door again. So here is a workout routine from Joy that will get you closer to Marisa Miller shape. And if you don't know this Victoria Secret model you should look her up and use it as fuel for your vigorous workout sessions. Pure motivation I promise.

I've been working out at the Rollins Gym trying to get into shape while avoid the little boys that think I'm a student, I know I'm not a student anymore but we can all dream can't we. But anyways the Rollins gym is where you can find Joy Buendia and have her train you...for a very reasonable rate too. Joy and Erin Hechler are fitness gurus who have started Ouvert Fitness (Joing their group on Facebook!) so between yoga and body conditioning you'll be set and here's just a taste from Joy...

Got 15 minutes?

Equipment needed: foam roll, medicine ball, hand weights, stability ball.
Where it can be performed: at home, in the park, at the gym.
To keep the exercise session short, begin with foam rolling potentially tight areas such as the calves, IT band and lats. The foam rolling warm-up should last no more than five minutes.
Directly after foam rolling, perform a circuit of exercises working the major muscle groups. Be sure to move quickly form one exercise to another, keeping the heart rate elevated and thus, burning more calories.
1. Begin resistance training with a squat to overhead press being sure to keep the abdominals drawn-in when moving the arms overhead. You can use a moderate weight medicine ball or moderate resistance hand weights to perform the exercise. This exercise works the calves, glutes, inner and outer thigh, abs, back, and shoulders.
2. Move from the overhead squat exercise to a Feet-on-Ball Push-up with Abdominal Roll-up. Place the feet comfortably on the ball, perform a slow push-up making sure that the abdominals are drawn-in tight and the head and neck are in line with the rest of the spine. After the push-up is completed, slowly bring the knees up toward the chest, emphasizing the abdominals. Hold the contraction for two seconds and then slowly extend the legs back to the starting position. This exercise works the abs, glutes, chest, and shoulders.
3. Next, perform a Ball Dumbbell Row. Place your feet against a stable object and place your hips and abdominals on top of a stability ball. With hand weights, simply perform a stability ball dumbbell row by bringing your elbows up against gravity and squeezing your shoulder blades together. Keep your abs and glutes tight! This exercise works the core, glutes, and major back muscles.
4. The last exercise in the succession is a Walking Lunge with Medicine Ball Rotation. Be sure to keep your feet straight, abdominals drawn-in and shoulder blades down and back. While performing a walking lunge, rotate the medicine ball over the leg in front at the bottom of the lunge position, working slowly to get the best contractions out of the abs and obliques. This exercise works the entire lower body, abdominals, obliques, shoulders, and back muscles.
Sets: 2-5
Repetitions: 10-12
Perform 10-12 repetitions of each exercise, remembering to move quickly from one exercise to another. Perform the circuit of exercises two to three times based on time. Depending on ability level, average exercisers can perform 3 sets of this circuit routine within 10 minutes. If it falls within the time allotment, you may perform more than three sets, however do not go above five sets of the routine.

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